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Counseling & Psychological Services


Mission Statement

CSUSB’s Counseling and Psychological Services supports the university mission of academic success and social justice through promoting the mental well-being of CSUSB students, the campus community, and the surrounding region. This is achieved through mental health counseling, advocacy, and outreach and consultation in a safe, supportive and culturally-informed environment.


CAPS is located in the Health Center Building, north of The Meeting Center and East of SMSU North. Entrance to Counseling and Psychological Services is on the West side – facing the SMSU North and north of the main Health Center entrance. On the campus map our building is identified as HC (Health Center).


Eligibility will be confirmed before your first appointment.

  • All currently enrolled students who have paid the Student Health & Psychological Counseling Center Program and Facilities Fee are eligible for services.
  • Students who are currently enrolled in continuing education/extension are eligible for services if the program collects, and the student has paid, the Student Health & Psychological Counseling Center Program and Facilities Fee.
  • Students who are enrolled in Open University courses are not eligible for services.

If you're curious if counseling is right for you, take this anonymous mental health questionnaire:

CSUSB CAPS Mental Health Screening

Common Concerns and Issues Discussed

  • Confusion, anxiety, or depression
  • Mood variability
  • Needing help with an important decision
  • Loneliness
  • Adjusting to living away from parents
  • Friendship problems
  • Romantic concerns
  • Family concerns-including parental divorce
  • Compulsive eating
  • Self-destructive use of alcohol or drugs
  • Loss of a relationship
  • Balancing academics and social needs
  • Shyness
  • Illness or death of a friend or family member
  • Personal trauma such as sexual assault


Students can call CAPS at (909) 537-5040 to schedule an appointment; CAPS is unable to schedule appointments via a third person.

For individual and couples therapy, a short-term model is utilized. Some students have needs not best served by CAPS and may be referred to other services on campus or in the community. 


Counseling and Psychological Services is funded by the student health fee paid at the time of enrollment to CSUSB. No other fees apply.  

Confidentiality and Privacy

All contacts with Counseling and Psychological Services are confidential, except in situations where legal or ethical considerations require notification of a family member or others. Notice of Privacy Practices

Counseling and Psychological Services does not release any information regarding whether a student has used the service nor matters discussed in counseling. Except under certain specific circumstances, no parent, dean, faculty member, or other student can gain access to information about a client without express written permission.


  1. A student who has used CAPS services may give authorization to release records or to disclose information to anyone the student chooses. However, a request to exchange confidential information must first be completed and signed.
  2. If the counselor believes that there is danger to self or others, safety considerations will prevail, and the counselor will notify appropriate family members or other authority. Such disclosure is for the purpose of providing the necessary care and protection of the student.
  3. In very rare circumstances, the court may order the release of confidential information.
  4. Unlicensed counselors work under the supervision of a licensed counselor who has access to counseling records in order to perform supervision responsibilities. In addition, a student may grant permission for a counselor to audiotape or videotape a session for the counselor to review with his/her supervisor.
  5. Counselors are mandated reporters of suspected elder or child abuse and must notify the appropriate agencies.

Letters of Support

We at CAPS are here to support you and you may at some point require documentation of the treatment you have received at CAPS to verify a diagnosis, to document mental health reasons for academic withdrawal, or to coordinate with another treatment provider, among other reasons.  If you require a letter from a Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) mental health clinician, please note the following: 

  • Letters are provided at the discretion of CAPS clinicians according to your clinical history, current functioning, and relevant legal and ethical statutes 
  • CAPS clinicians follow the Americans with Disabilities Act (2009) guidelines when providing “Documentation of Psychological Impairment” forms for the Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD)
  • Letters will be provided only when a clinical relationship has been established with a CAPS therapist   
  • All requests for letters must be made at least five working days in advance of when it is needed 
  • You must fill out a Release of Information before a letter will be given, even if you are requesting a letter made out to yourself 

Letters for Emotional Support Animals

Though we love animals and many of our providers have important animals in their lives, CAPS clinicians do not have training in the assessment of animal behavior or impact to complete necessary documentation for ESAs. Therefore, CAPS is unable to provide letters and other documentation for emotional support animals. However as noted above, there are some circumstances in which CAPS can provide documentation when indicated for established clients about the student's mental health symptoms and diagnosis.

Upcoming Events

Spring Fest
11:00am - 1:00pm
Coyote Walkway
Let's Talk About Cannabis
12:00pm - 1:00pm
The Road to Healing: Finding Beauty in the Uncertainty
12:00pm - 1:00pm
In-person in Alumni Center (Room 205) and live broadcast via Zoom
Demystifying Therapy
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Let’s Talk About Mental Health Panel
12:00pm - 1:30pm
In-person in Alumni Center (Room 205) and live broadcast via Zoom